Digital Skills for Finding a Job

Are you out of work?

Do you need to develop your computer skills?

Come to the first session to enrol & guarantee your place!

Starts Monday 13th January 2025

Author: Euston skills centre
Date: 13/01/2025
Location: Camden

Whatever type of job you want to do, you need computer skills these days to find, apply for and get that job!

In this course, you will:

  1. Think about your skills and what type of jobs there are
  2. Create a CV to send to employers in MS Word
  3. Explore job websites and create online accounts
  4. Complete online job applications
  5. Write a Personal Statement
  6. Practice job interview skills


Courses are FREE. Come and enrol on the first day to guarantee your place (latecomers may have to wait!)

You can also take this course alongside our Digital Basics or Digital Improvers courses.

Course details:

Mondays 10:00-12:00


Euston Skills Centre

Starcross Street


If you are interested, please get in contact with 

James Drummond

Programme Manager – Digital Inclusion


020 7974 8121