Easy Introduction to Web Design Stage 1

Have you ever wanted to design a website, but don’t know where to start ?


 Starts Tuesday 14th January 2025


 Come to the first session to enrol & guarantee your place!

Author: Euston skills centre
Date: 14/01/2025
Location: Camden

This basic, step-by-step course will show you how easy it is to create a simple website -without any experience of web design or even any coding skills! Using free online apps, you will:

  1. Start by creating a simple Google Sites blog page
  2. Progress to creating a basic, free, multi-page website
  3. Use text editing and layout options
  4. Upload and format images
  5. Consider the User Experience (UX) when designing your website, and get it mobile-ready


In Stage 2 (summer 2025), you’ll further develop your skills, including how to integrate e-commerce into your website, and applying more advanced design features.

Courses are FREE. Come and enrol on the first day to guarantee your place (latecomers may have to wait!)

Course details:

 Tuesdays, 1:00-3:00pm

14/01/2025 –01/04/2025

Euston Skills Centre

Starcross Street


If you are interested please contact:

James Drummond

Programme Manager – Digital Inclusion

020 7974 8121